Reprogramming Your Brain – How to Create Your Future Life?
We are all in a constant process of searching. Whether we realize it or not, unless there’s a serious medical issue, and even then, we seek a way out of a situation, seek growth, and seek the path forward. And this search is always connected with the idea of a better and brighter tomorrow, which is always waiting for us.
✨ What are the steps toward our new, different, and better future then?
First, try to honestly answer the question, “What do I want for my future? How does it look in my mind?” It might seem simple and easy, but think about it—if I don’t know exactly what I want, how can I expect to get it?! This is the first and most important step. I like to call it laser focus because if you’re not focused but jumping from thought to thought, from activity to activity, from dream to dream, you’re actually doing nothing but scattering your energy. That’s why with laser focus, the situation immediately takes a new direction. You already have a goal. I highly recommend a wonderful meditative practice I recorded based on Dr. Joe Dispenza, which you can find on my channel.
💡 The truth, dear friends, is also infinitely simple and pure: each of us creates our reality and our life.
Great, but how do we do this in the way we desire?
You’ve probably heard a quote from the famous Bulgarian writer Nikolay Haitov: “One thing is to want, another is to be able, and a third and fourth – to do it.” To reach the desired realization, you need to emotionally experience your dream as if it’s already a fact, as if it’s already happened. In other words, believe so strongly in what you want and what you strive for that it becomes encoded in you as a powerful emotion and manifestation. The affirmations you make must be felt on an emotional level to have the strength of creative energy. The emotion for your future life should be felt by your whole being on all levels here and now. You must burn in it to achieve your goal. And think about it—isn’t it always like this? When you have a new project, a new partner, a new job—you always talk about them with enthusiasm and emotion, right? The same applies to the larger picture of your future, dream life.
💪 Here, we’re not talking about illusions or miracles. It’s about practice, persistence, and trust in yourself. You know that habits are also crucial, and we talk and train about them often. Just as you brush your teeth daily and don’t question that habit, when you want to achieve a specific result on the path to your desired future, you shouldn’t self-sabotage or hesitate. Just get up and act.
To do this, your environment will also help. You know how important it is, and we often talk about it. So don’t forget my motto on the subject: “Love your relatives, choose your friends!” We adopt the habits of our companions, and they become our reality within six to eight weeks. There are no good or bad people; we just need to know what priorities and desires we have.
The same goes for energy. There is no good or bad energy. The key lies in what fuels that energy, and it’s fueled by our thoughts. So be with bright and pure thoughts, burn in good emotion, and you’ll see how much and what kind of strong energy you’ll radiate, which will further drive the wheel toward the desired future.
🌱 Change is a slow, methodical, and meaningful process, friends. The great and good things in life require persistence and concentration, and I want to work together to achieve your dreams. If you’re interested, check out my channel and website, where you’ll find plenty of free resources. If you like them, book a session with me. Three of my books are now available, dedicated to dreams, change, and fulfilling self-growth.
Let’s move forward together and make our dreams come true with a smile!