You may have heard of impostor syndrome, or maybe you haven’t, but you’d be surprised to know how many of us suffer from this intriguing psychological phenomenon. Simply put, this is the syndrome of thoughtful and self-critical people. It is characterized by constant doubt in one’s abilities and the feeling that everything you’ve achieved isn’t truly deserved, but rather the result of deception or luck. Both men and women suffer from it equally, but some studies show it’s most prevalent among successful women.

Being demanding and self-critical can be beneficial, but in excess, it creates a traumatic sense of anxiety and low self-esteem. This is why impostor syndrome can be extremely harmful to you and your achievements.

✨ Some of the symptoms associated with this syndrome include:

– Doubt that you can meet others’ expectations and living primarily by the principle of “What will others think of me?”
– Fear of engaging in new activities to avoid potential failure.
– A constant feeling of inadequacy and continuous tension.
– Downplaying your own achievements and underestimating your personal qualities and skills.

These are just a few of the core signs that place you in the “impostor” category. I’ll leave it to medical professionals to discuss the broader picture of the syndrome, while I’ll try to explain why it’s so important to overcome the shadow of doubt and inner insecurity.

🌟 No one is perfect. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. One person excels in sports, another in chess. It’s not necessary for us all to be the same, and it’s important to realize that our needs and abilities also differ. Therefore, competition is completely unnecessary. However, there is another element characteristic of impostor syndrome that is particularly problematic and hinders your overall development: negative thinking and a negative attitude toward yourself.

If you’re reading this, you probably know me at least a little and understand how crucial topics like positive thinking, faith, self-esteem, the right environment, and gratitude are in my practice. All of these are interconnected and lead to meaningful change in every area of life.

**Positive thinking** may be a bit of an overused topic globally in the last decade, but the facts cannot and should not be denied. Without good and bright thoughts, without joy and pleasure in life, progress and happiness are entirely impossible.

**Faith** that tomorrow will bring more beautiful and meaningful days has been a driving force for humanity since ancient times.

**Proper self-assessment** and confidence that we can and deserve lead to the profile of a successful person who builds their own world first, and then creates an enabling environment for others.

When all these elements are in harmony, we cannot remain indifferent to the gifts of the Universe. It then becomes our duty to express our gratitude and pass it on.

This is how the extraordinary formula for balance and unity between person and nature is created, and the feeling it brings, my friends, is the number one enemy of impostor syndrome and the doubts that stem from it.

To be continued…

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