Many of you are probably wondering what the theory of „FOMO“ means. Let me tell you right away that the abbreviation comes from the English phrase „Fear of Missing Out,“ which translates into Bulgarian as „the fear of missing out on something.“ We live in a world of high technology, constant information sharing, countless opportunities, and fierce competition. The calmness of the recent past, which we remember, is unfortunately just a romantic memory, and almost everyone spends their days in constant motion and communication. The pace of everyday life is particularly exhausting.

🌟 We have the ability to see everything now and immediately, to try everything, to be everywhere, and this puts us in a constant mode of fear of missing out on something. We look at others, they share their best moments, and we want the same, we want everything, we want it now, and if we don’t get it, inner torment begins—or rather self-torment—that tells us, „I’m probably not good enough, I probably don’t deserve it…“. I’m sure this has happened to you. Maybe more than once?

🔍 Are you afraid you’re missing out on your opportunities? How so? Why me?

You’re not alone in these feelings, friends, don’t worry. All of us, under the strong influence of social media, to one degree or another, suffer from what is known as the FOMO syndrome, which resembles our childhood fears of being rejected, of being the only one left without the desired toy, and so on. Just human emotions. The next time you catch yourself desperately wanting something right away, whether it’s a dress, a trip, a car, or something else, stop for a moment and ask yourself, „Do I really need this?“ Approach it with mindfulness. By reading this text, you already have the most important starting point—you know about the existence of the FOMO syndrome, you are aware of its main characteristics and essence, and therefore you can now make a fully conscious decision to oppose this fear, delving deep within yourself and realizing your true desires. One of our greatest mistakes as people, and one of the most common reasons for unfulfilled dreams, is that we instinctively and emotionally chase after others’ desires and expectations, silencing our own voice. In almost every program I’ve created for you, we work on this topic because the ability to hear yourself and boldly pursue your own goals is the foundation, the key, to a successful and happy life, free from the fear of missing out. When you know what you want, when you have clear goals set over time, things happen with great ease, and the obstacles along the way don’t feel like struggles, but rather valuable lessons.

😊 Life is so short that every second wasted on fears, negative emotions, doubts, and anxieties is an insult to yourself. It’s not worth wasting time living with the idea that others’ lives are better and that you’re missing out on something. Look within yourself and change what you don’t like today so that you can become the person you want to be tomorrow. Without fear. With awareness, faith, and love for yourself, because you are the most valuable person. Don’t be a victim of illusions; give your own happiness a chance, true and unadulterated. Just like it was in childhood, in the bliss of happy summer games!

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