I have often told you that everything is energy, my friends. The level of satisfaction in your life directly depends on the strength and quality of this energy. Through our energetic vibrations, we attract or repel people, situations, successes, problems, and more. This is the Law of Attraction.

However, in our daily lives, we often don’t realize what kind of energy we are emitting and what consequences it has for us. That’s why I want to introduce you to some basic principles that will help you recognize and direct your energy in the right direction.

🌱 Energy change can always originate within you, or it can be external, affecting your surrounding environment. First and foremost, to register these energy changes, a high level of awareness is required on your part. This applies to all important and deep processes related to the self.

**Awareness.** Only through it will you learn to identify and then define your most sincere feelings and emotions, and based on this, you will gradually begin working on cultivating your energy.

Who you are and what you want are the two absolutely fundamental questions you must first answer to distinguish yourself from the collective unconscious. Pay attention to external aspects as well, such as the phase of the Moon. The Universe always speaks to us with love and signs, but unfortunately, we haven’t been taught how to understand it. During times of energy change, you may feel physically weaker, experience vivid and complex dreams, have sudden mood swings, and so on. When you know yourself and your body well, these things can be easily detected, allowing you to quickly recharge your own energy.

✨ Then comes the importance of rituals. They are our magical key to fully communicating in unity with nature. And here, I’m not talking about magical rituals and practices, although everything can indeed be seen through a magical lens. I mean all those small and seemingly insignificant daily actions that we do without even realizing their importance—from the moment we open our eyes in the morning to when we relax in bed late at night. Everyone has their own habits and customs, but I want to share some recommendations for small rituals that I have personally tested over time and consider important:

1. Wake up with a smile and tell yourself that today will be a wonderful day.
2. Never start the day with thoughts about yesterday or with worries.
3. Be thankful for everything you have. You’ll see just how much that really is.
4. Don’t reach for your phone. Instead, try some light exercise or a little meditation.
5. A glass of warm water with lemon will cleanse your body before breakfast.
6. Set your goals for the day in a notebook.
7. Smile again and conquer the world with that smile!

💪 Be pure energy on the inside so that you have the resources to handle the external energy changes that can sometimes be extremely powerful and destabilizing. When an egg cracks from the inside out, life is born, but if it’s broken by external forces, everything ends. Don’t let that happen—take devoted and timely care of your inner energy!

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